Save money while maintaining quality

In-stock & readily available for same-day shipment

Products designed with switchable features to give you the equivalent of multiple products in 1.
Looking for Canadian/International Products?
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Basics™ Family Marketing Resources
Application Gallery

Options available for a variety of application requirements

Need a same-day shipment or planning for a project – we have you covered!

Products designed with better coverage + self-diagnostics and automated reporting options
Looking for Canadian/International Products?
(click to view)
Quantum® Family Marketing Resources
Application Gallery

Attractive solutions designed for architectural applications

Products provide a level of elegance to enhance the look of your space

Backed by the industry leader in Life Safety
Looking for Canadian/International Products?
(click to view)
Signature Family Marketing Resources
Application Gallery

Suitable for wet, dust filled, and cold weather environments

Products built to withstand the elements in harsh environments

Solutions designed for demanding environments in warehouse, manufacturing and food-prep areas
Looking for Canadian/International Products?
(click to view)
Indura Family Marketing Resources
Application Gallery

Check out emergency lighting with STAR & leave the ladders, disruptions and written records behind.